Survivor | Advocate | Peer Support Specialist| Life Coach | Human Being


Hi, You can call me your friend N.

Are you hurting from the people that are closest to you?
I've been there.

Here's my Journey..

At age 9, I was abandoned

by my mom and left to my dad and stepmother (who never wanted children)

Age 11, my mom died.

Within months of my mother's death, my stepmom filed for divorce and we lost our home.

We moved to our aunt's house where my uncle molested me.

Age 11 - 21, I had severe anxiety

I had severe anxiety and problems with anger, depression , and self destruction.

Age 25, I lost my job.

Moved back home. Within a month and a half of moving back home, I was assaulted by my dad.

At age 9, I was abandoned

Left with everything that could fit in my car and couch surfed and slept in my car for weeks because I had no savings, in huge college debt with the lowest self esteem that I've ever experienced in my life.

These are just some of the major milestones in my life that helped transform me along the way - I learnt the most through the bad times (and trust me, there were a lot).

For a long time, I felt unloved, attracted all the wrong people, and lived in fear of success.


I AM living my best life while helping others find their way.

I took all the possible steps to healing my inner child and now I don't want to stop another minute in helping individuals out there finding the right support system out there.

At some point in my life, I didn't want this pain and all the lessons I've learned to be a waste. This pain needed to serve a purpose. No longer would I allow my past to continue stealing from my present or future.

I want that for you. Why? Because when you've gone through the abandonment, the distrust, the betrayal, don't you deserve to be happy?

I believe that people deserve to live their best lives

and it's just much easier with some friends that can relate and understand exactly what you are going through.


If you wanted to hear more about my story, check out these videos where I share the good, the bad and the ugly.

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